Friday, March 29, 2013

Another Border

In my previous post I mentioned a Medallion quilt that several of us have signed up for in Our Craft Forum ... one lovely member bought too many centres, offered them to those willing to participate in adding borders [we are told each month what to do, though that is a broad instruction leaving a lot of choices open].
I was away for February which meant I had the two borders of February to catch up on, and have now completed the March border. 
April is just around the corner which means we will have more decisions to make in a few days and our quilts will take on an individual look.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Little things

After spending all of February in the cooler climate of New Zealand, and upon my return catching up with BOM projects I haven't expended much energy on other projects.  To be honest, I have put more effort into outdoor tidying up ... gum trees have leaves that fall, with the slightest zephyr, to the ground adding to the litter that always needs raking up.  I am making progress in that direction!  The bonfire that will be able to be lit in a few weeks is growing ... that is the largest one!  A second smaller one may be added to even yet.
Easter is only days away.  I did make a little Easter egg bag,

 and a hen on a nest in which chocolate eggs [large and small ... I did advise the recipient to make sure they ate the large ones as they could hatch out into emus!] and tiny yellow chickens hide under her body. 
 I have joined in two different projects in Our Craft Forum; one is a BOM, and another interesting project is a 'mystery medallion quilt'.  Mystery because a generous member donated several centres and each month gives us instructions as to what to do ... we choose within those confines, which are varied and wide.  It is interesting to see how each participant chooses what colour to emphasis, which will make the completed quilt a personal reflection of their interpretation.