Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stitch in Time?

The year is fast running through the hourglass of time; Christmas and 2011 are around the corner. The old saying, A Stitch in Time Saves Nine, has worn well over the years, though in today's modern, and too fast society, few make the initial stitch, and many profess to not have the time.

For a few days it appeared that my sewing table, which still neglects to show its true colours, so laden down it is, was becoming a mountain of projects through which I could see no end. Deciding to limit my time on the computer, a self imposed restriction that did work, I worked steadily at the QAYG project that I volunteered to undertake.

QAYG? Aha, there may be many out there who are unaware of that acronym, one that I was completely in the dark about in June. In July a glimmer of light shone through the dimness ... that was because the word was explained. Quilt as you go. Easy isn't it when told! The Forum decided to donate a quilt to a charity, and the members invited to tender their effort. Not being an old hand at quilting, but one willing to take a chance and learn I offered to do my block; a block for charity! We were invited to make one or as many as we wished. In the beginning I volunteered to make two, but once the first two were complete, and ideas still swishing around my mind, I increased the count. I have made five; and sincerely hope they are what is needed. Thankfully I am not the one to bind them together into a quilt! [I rather think if that were so I would need to purchase a wig!]

Above is my completed effort ... all that is left is to mail it away, and carry on with other projects that are screaming for attention.


Liz said...

The blocks are lovely. Well done on getting the few extra done. each one looks great.

Liz said...

is that a lovely little snail crawling (slowly)around the rim of the pot-in the frame with the embroidery?

Shirlwin said...

It is a snail Liz :) They are cute in embroidery, but not quite so cute in the garden.
Thanks for your kind comments:)

RobynLouise said...

Love the blocks. I have to start mine, though I do have a few ideas :).