Winter in the southern part of New Zealand is much cooler than winter in the mid-west of Australia!
Yesterday, after a telephone conversation with my youngest son I ascertained that youngest grandson needed a couple of covers for the hot water bottles that warm his bed before he goes down for the night. A rubber hot water bottle placed in a child's bed, indeed anyone's bed, is a dangerous practice ... they are far too hot and have been known to cause severe burns.
After the conversation I put my mind to the task ... would I knit them? Mmm, knitting takes time and as I didn't have a pattern in my files I wondered about sewing one. Measurements were easily found on the Internet; there were two suitable fabrics in my stash ... the experiment began.
I will admit the first hot water bottle cover took some time as I experimented with exactly how it would look. It's final look being determined by the amount of fabric I did have, and a few hours later the result was OK. Quickly I began a second ... both are ready for posting before the real winter arrives in Otago.