Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tube quilting cushion

I really must stop sewing and do some housework. Tiny pieces of thread, and not so tiny pieces of thread litter the floor under my work table. While I prefer to vacuum I know that with these tiny pieces of cotton I will have to pick each one up, drop it lightly down again, then vacuum. We must give tiny pieces of thread the opportunity of being picked up by the vacuum cleaner.

I have to admit I am fascinated by tube quilting. So much so I made a cushion, and this time sorted out fabric from what I already had; thus making it a double plus ++ or killing two birds with one stone. Also I am giving serious consideration to beginning a 'present box'. We have two empty plastic containers, and there is nothing crying out for attention more than an empty plastic container: one would make an excellent storage place for 'things I have made' but have no immediate use for myself, or they are in the wrong colour. This cushion just may suit MM's teenage grand-daughter, with the added bonus it wont be expensive to post.

1 comment:

bpllhall said...

watched the video and your version looks great